- new and used water & heat meters as well as heat cost allocators
mounting set for heat meters - different dimension DN 15, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50Product no.: EinbausatzWMZfrom 24.29 € * can be shipped within 1 days
Delivery weight: 900 g
heat meter Engelmann Sensostar E Qp 0,6 1,5 2,5 MBus radio pulseProduct no.: SensostarEfrom 123.90 € * can be shipped within 1 / 15-30 je Auswahl days
Delivery weight: 0.8 kg
Heat Meter QUNDIS Qheat 5 IST Qn 0,6 1,5 and 2,5 Ø5,0 & 5,2mmProduct no.: Qheat5_ISTfrom 133.59 € * can be shipped within 1 / 15-30 je Auswahl days
Delivery weight: 800 g
Heat Meter QUNDIS Qheat 5 TE1 Techem-Screwing Qn 1,5 and 2,5 Ø5,2mmProduct no.: Qheat5_TE1from 139.09 € * can be shipped within 1 / 15-30 je Auswahl days |
GEBRAUCHT - Wärmezähler Ultraschall-WMZ ALLMESS Integral-MK UltraMaXX (AUSWAHL: Qn 1,5 | new battery)79.90 € * |
Ultraschall-Wärmezähler Engelmann Sensostar U - Qp 0,6 1,5 2,5Product no.: SensostarUfrom 159.10 € * can be shipped within 15-30 days
Delivery weight: 1 kg
heat Meter Engelmann Sensostar I - All Model Versions - Qp 0,6 1,5 2,5 MBus radio pulseProduct no.: SensostarIfrom 131.90 € * can be shipped within 1 / 15-30 je Auswahl days
Delivery weight: 0.8 kg
Ultrasonic heat meter Qundis Qheat 5.5 US | Landis+Gyr UltraHeat T330 Qp 0,6 1,5 2,5Product no.: T330_NEUfrom 165.49 € * can be shipped within 150-210 days
Delivery weight: 0.65 kg
Funk-Ultraschall-Wärmezähler QUNDIS Qheat 5.5 US R Qn 1,5 and 2,5 Ø5,0 od. 5,2mmProduct no.: Qheat55US_Rfrom 183.99 € * can be shipped within 15-30 days |
Wärmemengenzähler Vorlauf Qheat 5 Qn 0,6 1,5 and 2,5 Ø5,0mm Ø5,2mmProduct no.: Qheat5NEU_VLfrom 141.19 € * can be shipped within 30-60 days |
Used Heat Meter Engelmann Sensostar I + new ten year bettery KOAX 2" ISTProduct no.: SensostarI+Batt-USEDfrom 63.90 € * can be shipped within 1 days
Delivery weight: 0.8 kg