- new and used water & heat meters as well as heat cost allocators
Qundis IST (ista) koax 2" capsule water meter, cold, hot, plasticsProduct no.: MK_ISTfrom 26.90 € * can be shipped within 1 days
Delivery weight: 180 g
Qundis radio 868MHz IST (ista) koax 2" radio capsule water meter, c-mode, OMSProduct no.: MK_IST_cmodefrom 59.09 € * can be shipped within 30-60 days
Delivery weight: 180 g
NEW - KOAX 2" connection piece (Istameter)Product no.: EAT-KoaxNEUfrom 19.90 € *
Delivery weight: 600 g
Original Chromblende für QUNDIS MK Messkapsel Wasserzähler Ø140mmProduct no.: Chrom_Qundisfrom 9.79 € * can be shipped within 1 days |
mounting wrench for Qundis capsule water metersProduct no.: 9010915.90 € * can be shipped within 1 days
Delivery weight: 500 g
2018 / 2019 IST (ista) koax 2" capsule water meter, cold, hot, plasticsProduct no.: MK_IST_20xxfrom 9.00 € *
Delivery weight: 180 g
Engelmann WaterStar M radio capsule water meter, warm & coldProduct no.: WaterStarM_MKfrom 62.50 € * can be shipped within 30-60 days |
mounting wrench for Qundis capsule water metersProduct no.: Montage_AlleSorten25.90 € *
Delivery weight: 250 g